Saturday, June 13, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming
The industrial revolution brought several exciting inventions that simplified our life by making us more efficient. The inventions such as cars, household appliance and the plants that burn woods, coals, solid waste and fossil fuel are the contributors of Global warming. Our atmosphere has natural supply of “Greenhouse Gases” like water vapors, carbon dioxide and other gases. These gases trap the solar radiation and keep our earth warm and makes earth suitable for living beings. Without these gases earth would be an inhabitable and frozen wasteland. But, with excess emission of these gases and depletion of ozone layer, which prevent ultraviolet rays ( UV-rays) to inter the earth, are already causing skin cancer, decrease in crops yield, rise of sea level due to melting of snow and glaciers, increase in tropical diseases, Drought in Africa and several other catastrophic impact in our lives. To solve this crisis we should act now rationally before it is late.
The NASA reported that since 1800’s the average land temperature has increased from 0.7 to 1.4 degree F. They also believe that if we continue this trend the average temperature will rise to an additional 2.5 to 10 degree F by 2100 ( Mastrandrea and Stephen) . This rate of increase will be much faster that our ecosystem will be severely affected and we will see more Tsunamis and Katrina across the world. Besides, the sea level are rising worldwide and along much of the U.S. coast. It is estimated that the sea level over the past 100 years rose approximately 4.4 to 8.8 inches ( EPA) . The expansion of water due to warming of sea, the melting of Greenland Ice sheet and Antarctic Ice sheet and the melting of Snow Mountains and Glaciers are the primary factor that adds rise in sea level.
The warming of earth is creating widespread shifting of natural habitat of animals and plants. As for example a flowering plant would not bloom without sufficient period of winter cold. Similarly, with the melting of ice, Polar bears are losing their habitat and they are having difficulties in finding prey. Hence, the mortality among their cubs has risen in past few decades due to uncontrolled human activities. In 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife reserve proposed to list polar beer as threatened animal under endangered Species act.
Warming of the atmosphere changes the air pressure and air current throughout the world. Hence, the intensity and frequency of rainfall and tropical storms also increases causing several damages through flood, soil erosion, tornadoes and hurricanes. A recent hurricane Ike in Galveston, Texas that left millions of people homeless and an estimation of $ 27 billion of property damage, is an example of severe weather created due to global warming. Similarly, warmer climate would increase the possibility of drought. Higher evaporation, especially during summer and fall would lead to greater chance of wildfire. I was watching Some news about a recent wildfires on 15th Nov. 2008, in southern California, which burned around 800 houses and left millions homeless, are some phenomenon as a result of climate change.
Texas is No.1 among all the U.S states in emission of green house gases and seventh worldwide producing more carbon than Canada and United kingdom. There are multiple factor that leads to more carbon output such as heavy concentration of refineries and chemical plants, number of vehicles and higher number of coal plants. The Dallas based TXU is one of the major local culprit of green house emission. However, TXU is planning to invest $2 million for research to lower the carbon emission and increase nuclear plants as a sustainable source of power (Loftis).
The local government should initiate strict policies to control and check the emission of green house gas in atmosphere. Similarly, using fuel efficient vehicle and power saving florescent light bulbs add a lot on energy saving. Finding an alternative source of fossil fuel by replacing it with solar, wind, thermal and nuclear energy, which will cut carbon emission in a large amount, would balance us with ecosystem (Loftis). Similarly, planting trees is another major way to control the amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. As plant take carbon dioxide for photosynthesis to produce starch or glucose. Therefore, recognizing that delay action would adversely affect our future generation and planet earth, we must locally move together and launch grass root movement to help solve our countries most pressing problem: global warming.

Work Cited
EPA. “Recent Climate Change.” Environment Protection Agency. North Lake college Lib.Irving,Tx. 15, Nov. 2008. <>
Loftis , Randy Lee. “ Texas Cool to Confront Global Warming.” Dallas Morning News. 3rd September 2006. North Lake college Lib.Irving,Tx. 15, Nov. 2008.
Mastrandrea, Michael D., and Stephen H. Schneider. "Global warming." World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. North Lake college Lib.Irving,Tx. 15, Nov. 2008.

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